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I strive to put out hobby news that’s informative and entertaining. Subscribing helps me spread the good word far and wide, and encourages me to devote more times and effort to this project. There’s nothing like seeing the subscriber counter go up to know I’m spending my time on something worth doing.

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Keeping up with the hobby can be complicated. I know, because it took me a lot of work to do it in the first place. Now you can leverage my insanity for your benefit and get the best bits of hobby news delivered right to your inbox.

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The hobby wants to be shared. It wants you to share it. Join us, and help us introduce the world to the joy of a crippling addiction to plastic.

Subscribe to HobbyTi.me by J. Hauer

HobbyTime is a newsletter for nerds, geeks, and dorks who love letting their mind wander through cardboard forests and plastic dungeons.


A full-time busy adult with many important things to do who nevertheless spends too much time thinking about plastic.